The available literature most strongly supports which class of medications for attenuating the memory effect of corticosteroids?
Patients receiving long-term corticosteroid therapy may have significantly poorer declarative memory performance, lower temporal lobe levels of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and smaller hippocampal volumes than controls with similar medical histories not taking corticosteroids . In animals, agents that decrease glutamate release or enhance serotonin reuptake attenuate the effects of corticosteroids on the hippocampus. Small studies (though limited sample size and some concerns with methodology) suggest that lamotrigine may improve declarative memory in patients taking prescription corticosteroids.
Publication reference : Brown ES et al. Attenuation of the effects of corticosteroids on declarative memory with lamotrigine. Neuropsychopharmacology 2008;33:2376-83. Reference URL: