Which of the following statements best reflects clinical characteristics and management of acetaminophen toxicity?
Acetaminophen overdose is the most common cause of liver failure in the US, and accidental overdoses (e.g. to manage pain) are associated with a greater risk of serious mortality or death. In a recent cohort study of patients who overdosed on acetaminophen (N=207), the mortality rate was 1% (with 2% receiving liver transplant). 76% of overdoses were intentional. Other studies have shown higher mortality rates, but these enrolled patients who had acute liver failure due to their overdose. NAC should be administered within 8 hours of ingestion for optimal effect.
Publication reference : Thusius NJ, Romanowicz M, Bostwick MJ. Intentional or inadvertent acetaminophen overdose-how lethal it really is? Psychosomatics 2019; 60: 574-581 Reference URL:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31202442