Question : 1 / 258
A 22 year old man with no prior psychiatric history is brought to the emergency department by two friends, who were noted to be very worried . His friends state that the patient was “totally normal,” but then became intensely fearful that the two friends were going to murder him during a social gathering at their apartment and locked himself in the bathroom. Initial interview is difficult and after you ask him about substance use, he states that he does not want to talk to anyone and asks if he can leave. Vitals are a temperature of 98.1, heart rate of 95, blood pressure 134/82, and respiratory rate of 16. Physical exam shows conjunctival injection and dry oral mucus membranes. He is alert and oriented to person, place, situation, and time. Mental status exam is significant for poor eye contact, with eye movements that are continually scanning the room, latency of speech, linear thought process, and thoughts that his friends wish to harm him. His object recall is ⅔ at 1 minute at ⅓ at five minutes. As you leave the room, he says “I know what you are doing.” The most likely diagnosis is: