The answer is C) Identity vs. Role Confusion . Erikson’s eight stages of development are frequently tested and it will be useful to memorize them. Below is a summary that you should ensure you are familiar with.
Trust vs. Mistrust Infancy (1st yr) Develop sense that “world is good place to live in”, requires feeling of physical comfort, minimal fear or apprehension about future
Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt Infancy (2nd yr) Develop healthy independence from caretaker, sense of shame/doubt if restrained too much or punished too harshly
Initiative vs. guilt Early childhood
(3-5 yrs) Develop active, purposeful behavior to cope with challenges, sense of responsibility ↑ initiative
Industry vs. inferiority Middle – late childhood (6 yrs – puberty) Master knowledge & intellectual skills, danger of feeling incompetent if fail
Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescence (10 – 20 yrs) Explore different roles/paths to find out who they are, where they are going in life, identity confusion if not adequately explore
Intimacy vs. isolation Early adulthood (20s, 30s) Form intimate relationship with others, If fail, isolation results
Generativity vs. stagnation Middle adulthood (40s, 50s) Assist younger generation in developing useful lives, stagnation is the feeling of having done nothing to help next generation
Integrity vs. despair Late adulthood
(60s + ) Evaluate our lives, reflect on previous stages
If develop (+) outlook → life well-spent, satisfaction, integrity
If (-) outlook → doubt, gloom, despair
Publication reference : The Life Cycle Completed
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