
Question : 1 / 258

A 82 year old man with a history of Bipolar Disorder is brought to the emergency department for strange behavior. He lives in an assisted living facility and screamed at a nursing assistant who came in his room to wake him up, saying “They’re coming! They’re coming to take all of us!” He was able to converse with her managing nurse 20 minutes later, but an hour later left his room without having dressed, and shouted at other residents. In the emergency department, he appears somnolent, then confused, and unable to pay attention to your questions. His medications are atorvastatin, daily aspirin, and lithium therapy, which he has taken for 40 years. Mental status is significant for an agitated, confused appearing man who is not oriented to person, place, time, or situation. Temperature is 98.3, heart rate is 97, blood pressure is 98/74, and respiratory rate is 12. Physical exam is significant for dry mucus membranes and abnormal skin turgor. Neurological exam is limited due to patient cooperation but is within normal limits with the exception of mental status. Which of the following diagnostic studies is most likely to reveal the cause for his presentation?