The correct answer is C, Adjustment disorder. This patient is reacting to a stressful life event with intense anxiety that is interfering with her daily functioning (trouble at work and with interpersonal relationships). Her anxiety is focused at the one issue and is not displaying a pattern of anxiety about most daily events that is present in B, generalized anxiety disorder. To make a diagnosis of GAD, the patient must also have symptoms for 6 or more months, and have 3 or more of the following: restlessness, fatigue, impaired concentration, irritability, muscle tension, and insomnia. A) PTSD requires an exposure to threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence (either directly, or witnessing the trauma happen to someone else.)
Adjustment disorder is a common reason for patients to seek mental health help and refers to anytime someone has difficulty adjusting after a painful or stressful life event that is not life threatening. They experience excessive symptoms related to the event than what would be expected and the symptoms interfere with their daily functioning. In this case, the patient spends all day worrying and is having trouble at work and with her partner. Adjustment disorders should resolve within 6 months. Symptoms can include those from the depression or anxiety spectrum, or even disturbance of conduct. Therapy is an option for treatment.
Publication reference : Gur S, Hermesh H, Laufer N, Gogol M, Gross-Isseroff R. Adjustment disorder: a review of diagnostic pitfalls. Isr Med Assoc J. 2005 Nov;7(11):726-31. Review. PubMed PMID: 16308997.
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