
Question : 1 / 258

A 40 year old man presents to your office with a chief complaint of “anxiety”. He says that for his whole life, he has mostly been on his own and doesn’t really have any close relationships besides with his dog. He said he was a very shy, reserved teenager but did well in school. He works from home as a website manager; in his free time, he reads books or walks his dog in the secluded woods near his house. He says that he occasionally has to lead conference calls for his job and is fearful that he will say something “stupid.” He denies panic symptoms on calls and says they have gone okay. He just prefers his old job where he didn’t have directly speak with anyone on the phone. He says he hopes to find a companion someday that will understand that he “has never been good with people,” but despairs that he will never meet anyone. What is the most likely diagnosis?